If required, soak the gammonovernight in cold water. To cook, placethe joint in a large pan that can hold itcomfortably, and cover with cold water.Stir in the bay and spices, and most ofthe honey and apricot jam (keep a littleback for glazing.)
Bring to a gentle simmer and cook for2½-3 hours until the middle of the hamreaches 65°C. Skim off the scum thatrises to the surface as the meat cooks.Remove the joint, and leave to cool.
Preheat the oven to 200°C/Fan180°C/Gas 6. Cut the skin off theham, but leave the fat on. Score the fatinto a diamond pattern and transferthe ham to a roasting tin. Mix theremaining apricot jam and honey withthe spiced rum/whisky and mustard, then spread generously all over the fat.Roast for about 20 minutes, bastingafter 10. When the ham is glossy andsticky, remove from the oven. Leave torest, then slice.
To make the slaw, shred thesprouts in a food processor using theslicing blade, or cut them as thinly aspossible using a sharp knife. To makethe dressing, take a medium servingbow and whisk together the oil,vinegar, honey and mustard, thenseason. Toss through the shreddedsprouts with the chilli, almonds,cranberries and parsley.
For the carrots, trim most of theleafy green stalks away. Melt butterand add in the garlic, sugar, honeyand orange juice. Add the carrots,season with salt and pepper andcover with a lid. Cook on a low heatfor 15 mins until tender. Remove thelid and cook for a further 5 mins,until the glaze has reduced and thecarrots are sticky.